We will promote full integration of IT application with industrialization, encourage businesses to accelerate technological upgrading, make management more precise, improve the policy for accelerating equipment depreciation, and make traditional industries more competitive. 促进信息化与工业化深度融合,推动企业加快技术改造、提升精准管理水平,完善设备加速折旧等政策,增强传统产业竞争力。
It is worth pursuing an expansionary monetary and fiscal policy up to the point where the loss on the terms of trade or the boost to inflation coming from currency depreciation begins to outweigh the gains to domestic output and employment. 直到由货币贬值造成的贸易损失或通胀抬升,开始超过国内产出和就业方面的收获之前,继续奉行扩张性货币及财政政策还是值得的。
This policy has produced substantial market depreciation in many cases, and most certainly has failed to maintain or increase real buying power. 这种方式造成了大量的损失,而且肯定无法保持或者增加真实购买力。
Fixed assets is fast of depreciation Sino-US the policy that compares depreciation of fixed assets of Feng Xiao company, it is the serious content of system of company financial management. 固定资产快速折旧的中美比较冯晓企业固定资产折旧的政策,是企业财务治理体制的重要内容。
In the paper, the main problems of plane lease in China are investigated and some policy suggestion and proposes such as industrial policies, financial policies, tax policies, depreciation policies, foreign exchange policies, guaranty policies and risk control are put forward. 本文探讨了我国目前开展飞机租赁面临的主要问题和障碍,从产业政策、融资政策、税收政策、折旧政策、外汇政策、担保政策和风险防范等诸方面提出了若干政策建议。
Tax expenditure policy, including tax credit, accelerated depreciation has been broadly applied on tax practice, while our country put much more emphasis on preferential tax rate, rarely take other tax expenditure methods. 西方国家广泛采取包括投资税收抵免、加速折旧等手段在内的税式支出政策,我国则更多地局限于税率优惠。
It is important meaning for accelerating depreciation policy to carry on tax law depreciation policy. 大力推行税法折旧政策对加速折旧政策具有重要意义。
At present, there are many defects such as low ratio, long term and linearity depreciation policy in our nation's tax law depreciation policy, which is not favorable with development of enterprise and nation macro-economy. 目前我国税法折旧政策存在着严重的缺陷,采用低比率、长期限、直线性的折旧政策,无论是对企业自身发展还是对国家宏观经济的长远发展都是不利的。
Inclined to the direct preferential tax-rate of our country, we should advise government to weak direct taxation preference and take indirect taxation preference policy to bring about an advance in high-tech industry of our country, such as accelerated depreciation, and specific capital reserve etc. 针对我国现行税收优惠政策倾向直接优惠的方式,以及借鉴发达国家普遍采取的间接优惠措施,建议政府应该弱化优惠税率等直接优惠方式,更多的采用加速折旧和特定准备金等间接优惠方式。
About the policy methods, we can practice tax relief, low tax rate, tax deduction, accelerative depreciation, investment deduction, losses balance, and expense deduction and so on separately or jointly for the most favorable results. 从政策手段上,可实行减免税、低税率、税额扣除,也可以实行加速折旧、投资抵扣、亏损结转、费用扣除等,把各种税收优惠手段配合使用,达到最优效果。
This paper argued that, just considering with the export of horticultural products, the continuously appreciation of RMB exchange rate had a disadvantageous effect on the increase of export, the policy of exchange rate should consider the appropriate depreciation of RMB. 本文认为,仅仅从园艺产品出口的角度来看,人民币汇率持续升值不利于园艺产品出口的增加,政府的汇率政策应考虑人民币适当贬值。
Their agenda are mostly the same: contracting monetary and budgetary policy, exchange rate depreciation and trade policies. 他们提出的调整方案也大致相同,不外乎紧缩的财政和扩张的货币政策,汇率贬值以及通过贸易政策促使其他国家进行调整。